
we sure are cute for two ugly people...

dear avid readers of this blog that i call mine,

salutations and seasons greetings. i wish you tidings of great joy. i must confess, the reason i am writing is not the reason i should be writing. i.e. i should be writing because i have something to say, and in this case i have nothing to say. the only reason i am typing right now is because it's been five days since my last blog. there has to be something to say.

i finished chrimboli shopping. i have bought for everyone on my list. and i've already given to sandee and samantha. i am so relieved to have everything DONE! and with a week to spare. yes, i'm that good. this past weekend was a fun one. i saw i am legend. also on saturday night at the mall i saw the beardiest boy. man, he was dreamy and he had such a nice beard. i mean, if there was an oscar for best performance by a leading beard on a face, his beard would have won... hands down! he asked me what my favorite band was. i of course replied "three doors down" because i am maniacal like that. and is maniacal even a real word? one can never be sure. i got ready on saturday night so i took some pictures of my chrimbo outfit. melis said i should take some so i did. i am going to send a picture out with each christmas card which is code for NONE as i am not doing christmas cards this year, or any year for that matter. can you imagine a spinster christmas card?! uh, yes. here is my with my cats. oh and don't forget my dog, he has a fuzzy fu man chu beard to match mine. only i don't have a beard, it is under control as of late.

tomorrow is a busy busy day. kenneth comes home!! tomorrow night at 1030 and i have a truck ton of crap to do. i am going to see kim dance at the temple and then i am coloring my hair and kim's hair. and i am also going to a movie and shopping with sambone.

i hope you all know that something very awkward happened to me today. and i hesitate to talk about it on my blog, for fear of being politically incorrect with my labels, but if i can't be politically incorrect here, then where the hell can i be?! so, a retarded man came in to work today. and i for reals mean retarded. we were really super busy and he kept coming up to my desk and staring right at me and grunting and breathing heavy and it was really awkward. i called my office manager (aka my mom) and told her about the sitch and she told me to grow up. but guess what? i am up and it was still weird. i had to keep opening the door for him and he kept asking me to light his cigarette which may or may not have been code for something. and all kimbizzle and kady could do is laugh at me. only it wasn't very funny. i guess now, looking back on it, it is a little bit on the hilarious side. but at the time i didn't find much humor in it. we broke two records today at work. we saw 60 patients (previous record 58) and we had 69 scheduled (previous record 64). wow. go team FOPT!

tuesday is tomorrow which makes me filled with glee because it is a half day. oh yeah, and have i mentioned that kenny comes home? right, he does. not that i'm like totally FRICKIN psyched for that or anything. let's have a good day tomorrow, shall we? let's go out on a limb and say no scary panting staring retards on tuesday!!


Kippy said...

Hi Gabby! I saw your link from Melissa's and its really good to see you and your cuteness. I hear you are one of the top dogs at FOPT! Way to go. Hope all is well with you, and tell your mom hi for me :)

Kimberly Johnson said...

Dearest Gabby,
what would make me happiest in life??? If I could listen to your thoughts... I have decided nothing would be greater than being Gabby's brain. It must be so entertained at all times. Let the bald eagle fly my friend. John Kerr's brother is in love with you and i hope he comes in three times a week. PEEEEZ PEEEEZ LET ME OUTSIDE! grunt grunt

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blogs Gaby, you're friggin hilarious!

Melissa said...

Thanks for the pics...cutest shirt and I forgot to tell you how cute your boots were yesterday. Anyhoo, have a great day and anticipation for Kenny's arrival.