
the best quote by anyone, possibly, ever.

i felt it necessary to dedicate a blog to quite possibly the best quote ever said by anyone ever that was said last week on the view. but which one of those lovely ladies gave us the gem? it was babs. oh, babs! where have you been all my life?! the pannel was in a heated discussion about facebook/myspace and good old baba wawa got a bit confused (who could blame her? it's a confusing world!!) and actually said: "WHY DO PEOPLE WANT TO BE ON MYFACE?"

my answer to that is, why wouldn't they?


Melissa said...

That is hilarious. I'm glad you shared it.
I am glad you get to getaway for spring break and go to Coronado. I love that place.

Nic said...

Naughty, naughty Babs! Thanks for sharing!

my hair color could use a spring refresher. maybe you could help?!?

lastly, glad someone is planning vacations still. Can i live vicariously through yours? Love.